Best Chyawanprash for Immunity | Best Chyawanprash Brand in India


Vardhan Chyawanprash


Chyawanprash is a proven natural remedy to boost your energy levels and give holistic nutrition every day. 1-2 spoons of Vardhan Ayurveda Chyawanprash every day act as carriers that allow the herbs to transfuse deep into the tissues.
This tridoshic formula stimulates metabolism and accelerates the digestive system without aggravating pitta. Daily intake of Vardhan Ayurveda Chyawanprash helps in balancing Vata and Kapha, strengthens the body and mind to stay aligned and steady. Stressful life, wrong eating, or sedentary lifestyle doesn’t affect an aligned mind and body.
54-herbs contained Chawanprash bolsters the immune system and keeps the person disease-free around the year.
1 Spoon = 54 Herbs = 5X Better Health
Sharp Mind+ Healthy Heart+ Strong Body makes you a healthy person.

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